Price per ounce calculator

- Price per ounce definition
- Price per ounce formula
- Price per ounce examples
- Price per ounce examples in Excel
- Price per ounce explanation
- Price per ounce FAQ
- Q: How do I calculate the price per ounce?
- Q: Can I calculate the price per ounce for liquid products?
- Q: Is it possible to calculate the price per ounce for precious metals?
- How to calculate price per ounce?
Price per ounce definition
Price per ounce formula
Price per ounce = Total price per unit / Total weight per unit
Price per ounce is the price per one ounce, given in dollars,
Total price per unit is the price you paid for a particular item,
Total weight per unit is the weight of the whole item.
Price per ounce examples
So, how to calculate cost per ounce in practice? A quick example will make it clear for you, so have a look.
For instance, you bought 400 ounces of all purpose flour for 7.48$. You want to know how much you paid per ounce of this flour. So, as we told you above, divide the total price per unit by the total weight per unit.
You have to divide the total price per unit by the total weight per unit. The formula is down below:
Price per ounce = Total price per unit / Total weight per unit
Put the data into a formula. It will look as follows:
Price per ounce = 7.48 / 400
Make the calculations on your own or use a calculator to make it quicker. After it, you will see your result, that is the price per ounce.
0.0187 = 7.48 / 400
At the end, round off the result to two decimal places, as all prices look. The final result will look like this:
0.02 ≈ 0.0187 = 7.48 / 400
So if 400 ounces of flour cost 7.48$, how much cost per one oz? The cost per oz is 0.02$.
Price per ounce examples in Excel
If you don’t like calculating on your own, you can just use Excel as a price per ounce calculator. Only one thing you need is an Excel price per ounce formula. Have a look at it down below.
For example, you bought 50 ounces of liquid laundry detergent for 22.67$.
Your problem is that you want to know the price per ounce of this liquid laundry detergent.
Here is a solution. See an Excel formula below.
Price per ounce = Total price per unit / Total weight per unit
So put the data in this formula. The total price per unit is 22.67$, the total weight per unit is 50 ounces.
Price per ounce = 22.67 / 50
Divide the total price per unit by total weight per unit. Just click ‘enter’ to make it. Then you will see the result.
0.4534 = 22.67 / 50
To get the final result, round off the obtained one to two decimal places by using “ROUNDUP” or “ROUNDDOWN” functions in Excel.
0.45 ≈ 0.4534 = 22.67 / 50
Just one formula in Excel is enough to know you paid 0.45$ per ounce of liquid laundry detergent.
Price per ounce explanation
Follow the steps down below to simply calculate price per ounce.
Price per ounce = Total price per unit / Total weight per unit
Price per ounce FAQ
If you need, here is a quick reminder about the price per ounce. The FAQ section is waiting for you below.
Q: How do I calculate the price per ounce?
A: To calculate the price per ounce, you need to follow a simple formula. Firstly, determine the total weight of the product in ounces, and then divide the total cost by the weight in ounces. This method applies to products sold by weight, such as supplements, groceries, and food items. Calculating the price per ounce can help you determine the best value for your money and ensure that you are not overpaying for a particular product.
Q: Can I calculate the price per ounce for liquid products?
A: Yes, you can calculate the price per ounce for liquid products like shampoo, wine, or oil. However, the process is slightly different. In this case, you need to know the total volume of the product in milliliters or fluid ounces, multiply it by the density of the liquid to convert it into weight in ounces, and then divide the total cost by the weight in ounces. This method will give you the price per ounce for the liquid product you are interested in purchasing.
Q: Is it possible to calculate the price per ounce for precious metals?
A: Yes, it is possible to calculate the price per ounce for precious metals such as gold or silver. To calculate the price per ounce of precious metals, you need to know the current market price of the metal and the weight of the item you want to buy or sell. Then, you can multiply the current market price by the weight of the item to determine the price per ounce. This method will give you an accurate estimate of the value of the precious metal you want to buy or sell.
In conclusion, calculating the price per ounce is a crucial calculation that can help you make informed decisions when purchasing various products. By following the simple formula of dividing the total cost by the weight in ounces, you can determine the best value for your money and avoid overpaying for a particular product. Whether you're buying groceries, liquids, or precious metals, understanding how to calculate the price per ounce is essential.
How to calculate price per ounce?
Divide the total price per unit by the total weight per unit to get price per ounce.