Price per litre calculator

Price per litre definition
Price per litre formula
Price per litre = Total price per unit / Total weight per unit
Price per litre is the price per one litre given in dollars,
Total price per unit is the price in which you bought the product,
Total weight per unit is the weight of the whole product you bought.
Price per litre examples
And what about practice? Learn how to calculate cost per litre on the example.
For instance, you bought 3 litres of milk for 2.69$. Now you want to know what the price per litre is. So you need to divide the total price per unit by the total weight per unit to get the result.
So you have to divide the total price per unit by the total weight per unit. Have a look at the formula:
Price per litre = Total price per unit / Total weight per unit
After putting the data into a formula. The result will look like this:
Price per litre = 2.69 / 3
Make the calculations. You can make them in mind or use a calculator too. Then you will see the result.
0.89667 = 2.69 / 3
The last thing you need to do is rounding the result off to two decimal places. Then you will see the final result, that is price per litre.
0.90 ≈ 0.89667 = 2.69 / 3
If 3 litres of milk cost 2.69$, how much per litre? The cost per litre is 0.90$.
Price per litre examples in Excel
There is also a quicker and easier way to calculate the price per litre, that is using Excel. You just need a formula to make the calculations with this programme. See how it looks and use an Excel as the price per litre calculator.
For example, you bought 2 litres of orange juice for 2.99$.
Your problem is that you don’t know how much you paid per one litre of orange juice.
And here is your solution, a ready to use Excel formula.
Price per litre = Total price per unit / Total weight per unit
So put the data into the formula. Your total price per unit is 2.99, and your total weight per unit is 2. Now it looks like:
Price per litre = 2.99 / 2
Divide these numbers. It’s enough to press the ‘enter’ button. Then you will see the result.
1.495 = 2.99 / 2
Last but not least, rounding off the result. Round off the obtained result to two decimal places using one of the Excel functions – “ROUNDUP” or “ROUNDDOWN”. Then see the final result.
1.50 ≈ 1.495 = 2.99 / 2
As you can see, with an Excel formula you can immediately turn this app into a cost per litre calculator, and know the price per litre and it is 1.50$.
Price per litre explanation
To calculate price per litre quickly, you need to follow the steps shown below:
Step 1: First, determine the total cost per unit. It is the price you paid for the product.
Step 2: Second, determine the total weight per unit. It is the weight of the whole product.
Step 3: Last, calculate the price per litre by dividing the total price per unit (step 1) by the total weight per unit (step 2) by using the price per litre formula below:
Price per litre = Total price per unit / Total weight per unit
Price per litre FAQ
Time for a little reminder. The most important information about price per litre is down below in our FAQ section. Check if you remember it.
How to calculate price per litre? Divide the total price per unit by the total weight per unit to get the price per litre.